- Workshops & Courses
- Introduction to Positive Behaviour Support - One Day Introduction Training
- Practice Certificate in Multi-Element Behaviour Support (MEBS)- 2025
- Skills Teaching Through Experiential Learning
- Elearning Course on MEBS
- Seminar for Line Managers and Clinical Supervisors on ‘Support and Supervision of Multi-Element Behaviour Support’
- RUA 1 Day Introduction Workshop
- Practice Certificate in RUA 2025 Training Dates.
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Practice Certificate in Multi-element Behaviour Support (MEBS)
Course Description:
Multi-Element Behaviour Support (MEBS) is a structured and formal model of Positive Behaviour Support (PBS). PBS uses behavioural technology and person centred values to understand the function or reason for a behaviour of concern. Once the function is identified, a Multi-Element Behaviour Support Plan is developed and implemented.
What is this course about?
This new course develops students’ skills in the practical application of the MEBS Model. Each student works closely with one individual. The student will conduct a functional assessment, develop, implement and evaluate a MEBS plan informed by a set of outcomes. Students will receive support from their local team (namely, their line manager, a clinical supervisor and a mentor). Along with input from experienced tutors in Callan Institute, they will advance their practice in PBS. This course replaces our previously known Longitudinal Course in Multi-Element Behaviour Support.
The course is divided into 6 Modules (6 training days) over a 10 month period and is an assignment based course.
What will a student be able to do when they finish this course?
This course is designed to support students to advance their knowledge and skills, with appropriate supervision, of PBS using the MEBS Model. Students will be able to actively participate in teams providing and implementing PBS services but will not yet be proficient to work as a Behaviour Practitioner. This practice certificate will require further studies if the student wishes to pursue a professional qualification in PBS.
Why should a student take this course?
The Health Act 2007, outlines that Positive Behaviour Support is to be provided to individuals with intellectual disability who have behavioural support needs. If you are, for example, a keyworker, social care practitioner, nurse, job coach, instructor, teacher, SNA, MDT member etc., and have always wanted to learn about the practical application of PBS then this course is for you. If you are already working in a professional role such as a Behaviour Practitioner, Psychologist, Clinical Nurse Specialist in Behaviour, you may wish to enrol in this course to further develop your practice and understanding of the MEBS practitioner, nurse, job coach, instructor, teacher, SNA, MDT member etc., and have always wanted to learn about the practical application of PBS then this course is for you. If you are already working in a professional role such as a Behaviour Practitioner, Psychologist, Clinical Nurse Specialist in Behaviour, you may wish to enrol in this course to further develop your practice and understanding of the MEBS model.
What will a student receive on completion of this course?
Upon successful completion of this course, participants will receive a Practice Certificate in
All applicants must complete parts 1 and 2 of the Callan Institute E-learning MEBS Course. Certificates of completion must be submitted with the application .
Dates: 16 September, 14 October, 11 November, 9 December (on Zoom) 2025 3 March & 18 June 2026.
Time: 9.30am-4.30pm
Type of Training: Blended with in person/Face to Face & online/Zoom
Venue: Conference Centre, Saint John of God Hospitaller Ministries, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin A94 x5k8
Cost: €900.00 (Free to Saint John of God Employees)